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Access Points

There are multiple planned off-site neighborhood improvements that will enhance the flow of traffic on and off Laurel Island as well as improve mobility within the existing road network and bike/pedestrian connectivity. Three main ingress/egress points - Brigade Street, Romney Street, and Cool Blow Street - will be created to minimize the traffic at each point. The Cool Blow Street Bridge is an important piece of infrastructure for the Laurel Island project to ensure public safety and access for emergency service vehicles. Improvements will be made over time when warranted as development progresses. All off-site neighborhood improvements will be completed with safety as a primary objective. Sidewalks, crosswalks, signals, pavement markings and improvements to the existing stormwater system will be implemented to promote bike/pedestrian safety, protect property and slow down traffic.

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All three access points must be improved and completed prior to the development realizing the full development density as defined by the PUD.


Each access point has a development threshold that can’t be exceeded without the other access points being completed. The following table summarizes the development threshold required for each access point.

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