33 new people move to the region each day; the region's population is predicted to top 1 million residents by 2030
The region's labor force grew 3 times faster than the US national average from 2010-2019 and offers employers a growing pool of 380,000+ skilled workers
$392 million in economic impact announcements were made in 2019-2020; companies from startups to multinational corporations continue to relocate and expand in the region
The SC Port delivers a $63.4 billion annual statewide economic impact and creates 1 in 10 SC jobs
The region's military installations generate a $10.8B annual economic impact and include Joint Base Charleston and the Naval Information Warfare Center
Charleston consistently appears on the World's Best Cities lists and attracts 7.43 million visitors a year; tourism has a $9.7B annual economic impact
The manufacturing industry has a $206B annual economic impact and includes employers like Boeing, Mercedes Benz, and Bosch
The region has a diverse and growing concentration of healthcare talent iwth over 30,000+ employees at several nationally recognized hospital systems
The median home price in the Charleston region jumped from $300,000 in 2020 to $357,000 in 2021 and the average home sells in 30 days are less